Saturday, April 25, 2009

Week 13

This week, Mr Tridib added a new task for the XMPP group which is being an expertise with designing forms in Dreamweaver, but the issue that there is another person in the same group who has the same task to do. I negotiated with this person and we decided that one of us will design the form and the other will find a way to link the Dreamweaver form with MySQL database.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week 12

This week we had a class we gathered as a group and we discussed about MySQL program and how it works. In addition to that we had a class with Mr Tridib and he talked about many stuff. For example, we will transfer the Ms Access database to MySQL. What is more, the XAMPP people they got a new task which is design forms in Dreamweaver.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 11

This week we had a tutorial by our instructor about XXMPP , The instructor used the local host website http://localhost/xampp/ as recourse to our tutorial. In this class, I learned the following:

· Web server job is to host a website
· Local host is hosting my machine
· The local host site features
· Converting Access file to MySQL

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 10

This week we had a meeting with Mr.Tridib and other class members who share the same topic I worked in which is XAMPP program. First of all, I had some questions that I was confused about and after the meeting the questions were all answered.

Now I have a wider idea about the program and I feel that I will understand more by doing more researches with improved knowledge.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 9

This week was full of work. We did a meeting with the group to discuss the progress and each girl explained what she found about the topic. Regarding my researches, I found a training session about this program and I’m following the instructions carefully but there is stuff that not clear.